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Headhunting firms bank on bespoke executive placements to stay competitive Headhunting firms are focusing more on executive placements and having their own …

Per Ardua dominates both tables at the more focused boutique level. Across all assignments over £100k the firm has a 21.6% market …

Bosses mount last-ditch campaigns ahead of EU vote The study of 35 City chairmen and chief executives found that 88pc want to …

Vast majority of financial services chiefs expect shareholder rebellions over executive pay to continue, according to report released by Per Ardua. You …

Simon Hearn’s online thought piece on reasons for staying in the EU featured in the CityAM. The City of London is a …

Quoted from Griffiths’ latest article ‘Ministerial appointment is just the job in City’ :   Jamie Risso-Gill, a London-based banking headhunter, said that …

What are the characteristics of future leaders in Retail Financial Services? A look at what the next generation of leaders will look …

A very interesting study by EY which echoes exactly what we are seeing in the market; this is the mood of the …

People have always used the latest technology to make their financial lives easier and banks have been at the forefront of the …

Despite the asset management industry having apparently avoided the ‘too big to fail’ label, but with the UK regulator set to decide …